Gen zed rant
Gen zed rant

gen zed rant

Following the release of the trailer, websites such as The Mary Sue praised the series for featuring a transgender character voiced by a transwoman (Julie Rei Goldstein).On the wall hangs a frame full of photos of a young man in various poses, some of them a little ludicrous. In the months following the debut trailer, people behind the series have opened a Facebook page, a Tumblr blog, and an in-character Twitter page featuring jokes by the character Shona. But I’m wondering if it’s so lame, why are you telling us this thousands of times a day? What are you so afraid of?" Since then, we’ve seen a lot of this show’s shit trolling which doesn’t bother me at all. When questioned about it, series creator Hayden Black said: "I was definitely thrown those first few hours as I’d never seen this type of hatred before and my knee-jerk reaction was to delete virtually every comment. The Mary Sue even interviewed members of the show's staff about said trolling. The Mary Sue later ran an article in August 2015 discussing the attention the series was receiving from the likes of 4chan, 8chan, and Encyclopedia Dramatica, criticizing the users of said sites for trolling the social media pages relating to the show and "harassing" the staff. Social media pages for Gen Zed were eventually flooded with troll responses from people from various parts of the internet, such as spamming transphobic and antisemitic remarks at Julie Rei Goldstein, or the Encyclopedia Dramatica Twitter calling for people to flag the show's debut trailer in an effort to get it taken down (below, middle). The official Gen Zed Tumblr responded to these accusations by stating that neither voice actor voiced a "main character," and thus their "first animated series with a transgender voice actor in a starring role" claim is "accurate." The claim was found to be especially strange for places such as Encyclopedia Dramatica when it was discovered Casey Mangillo herself is a voice actor on Gen Zed. Fans of the webseries TOME, created by animator Kirbopher, also disputed this claim when voice actor Casey Mongillo came out as a transwoman. The show also came under fire for claiming to be the "first animated series with a transgender voice actor in a starring role." This claim was disputed by fans of series such as the anime adaptation of Pokemon, which featured the late Maddie Blaustein, a tranwoman, as the voice of the popular character Meowth. Promotional material was also heavily criticized for putting a heavy focus on the show's transgender character Shona, leading to accusations that the series wouldn't even be anything special had said character not been present at all. Criticisms of the show include aspects such as the animation and character designs, derided for looking like a "generic" flash animated cartoon done by people new to the medium. Not long after the release of Gen Zed's debut trailer, 4chan and 8chan's Comics and Cartoons boards, /co/, took notice of the series, and a page for Gen Zed was created on the website Encyclopedia Dramatica. The series was announced On Jwith a debut trailer (below), and is currently slated to premiere sometime in 2016. Shona aspires to be an "edgy" stand-up comedian, while her other friends/roommates embody various millennial stereotypes, such as Cameron, described as a "shit poet" and nerd Huey, a tattooed musician prone to acting like a "douchebag " and Betsy, an Asian-American heiress to millions of dollars who's addicted to prescription drugs and aspires to be a fashion designer. Gen Zed focuses on protagonist Shona Sommers, a 19 year old transwoman living in Downtown Los Angeles with her friends in a loft.

Gen zed rant